Scientific Program

Opening Ceremony and Plenaries

Date:  13:30-18:00, July 31, 2017

Joint opening Ceremony and Plenary Lectures

Place: Main Hall

13:30  Greetings
Message from The Prime Minister
Welcome message from Kobe City
SCJ vice president: Dr. Hanaki
SSJ president: Dr. Yamaoka
IUGG president: Dr. Sideris

14:00  Plenary Lectures

14:00  Prof. Kosuke Heki (Dept. Earth Planet. Sci., Hokkaido Univ.)
"Geodesy in Japan : Legends and highlights"


14:40  Prof. Barbara Romanowicz (Univ. of California Berkeley, and Collège de France, Paris)
"Imaging the earth's deep interior using seismic waves in the age of high-performance computing"


15:20  Prof. Manabu Hashimoto (Disaster Prevention Research Inst., Kyoto Univ.)
"Evolution of earthquake science with space geodesy"


16:00  Coffee break

Opening Plenaries

16:30-18:00 IASPEI Opening Plenary

Place: Main Hall

16:30-18:00 IAG Opening Plenary

Place: International Conference Room