Eric Robert Engdahl
International Cooperation for Better Understanding of the Earth
In 2013 IASPEI began to award a Medal for "sustaining IASPEI goals and activities and for scientific merits in the field of seismology and physics of the Earth's interior". The IASPEI Bureau is proud to announce that it has unanimously selected as recipient of the 2017 IASPEI Medal: Eric Robert Engdahl for his outstanding career contributions to seismology and more than 40 yearlong engagement with IASPEI.
The IASPEI Medal 2017 will be presented to Bob Engdahl during the IAG-IASPEI 2017 on Monday 31 July 2017.
IAG Young Authors Awards
The IAG Young Author Award is to draw attention to important contributions by young scientists in the Journal of Geodesy and to foster excellence in scientific writing. The applicant must be 35 years of age or younger when submitting the paper for the competition. The paper must present his or her own research, and must have been published in the two annual volumes of the Journal of Geodesy preceding the IAG Scientific Assembly.
The winner of the Award 2015 is Xingxing Li for the article "Li, X., et al.: Accuracy and reliability of multi-GNSS real-time precise positioning: GPS, GLONASS, BeiDou, and Galileo" published in the Journal of Geodesy (2015), 89: 607-635.
The winner of the Award 2016 is Olga Didova for the article "Didova, O., et al.: An approach for estimating time-variable rates from geodetic time series" published in the Journal of Geodesy (2016) 90: 1207–1221.